Spices Dictionary

is a small dictionary of spices and herbs that are use in cooking. In here you can find short explanation about related spices and herbs as well as its name in different languages with some pictures to show you how it looks like. However, the photos shown here at the moment might not show you the best picture of the spices as I just took them quickly in between of writing this section. I will replace them once I have a better one. In addition to that, if you want to know more about the spices, I am also putting an external link related to those spices which I think quite useful and informative as reference (however, my site does not endorse and is not affiliated with any of those sites). 

I know its sound useless for most people, but believe me, there are some others who still need this dictionary. Especially the spices that are not commonly used in your home cooking recipes.

And as Asian, I will first list the spices that we commonly use in our kitchen as these are the spices that I know better but of course then it will hopefully extended into other spices use around the world. 


Turmeric is sometimes confused with saffron, but turmeric is more yellowish in colour while saffron more orange. Turmeric has special aroma which can not be substitute with saffron.

Turmeric in different languages:
Indonesian: Kunyit
German: Kurkuma, Gelbwurz, Indischer Safran
French: Curcuma, Safran des Indes, Terre-mérite 
Useful link: to find out more about Turmeric, click here

Galangal is in the same family of ginger. The fresh galangal has pale reddish surface with stripped by reddish-brown small ring.  Galangal has a distinct fragrance of warm, sweet and spicy.

Galangal in different languages:
Indonesian: Laos, Lengkuas
German: Galanga, Galgant, Großer Galgant, Siam-Ingwer
French: Souchet long, Souchet odorant, Galanga
Useful link: to find out more about Galangal, click here 

The flesh of the ginger rhizome can be yellow, white or red in color. It is covered with a brownish skin that may either be thick or thin. Ginger is warm, sweet and pungent where the young one is juicy and fleshy with a very mild taste.

Ginger in different languages:
Indonesian: Jahe
German: Ingwer
French: Gingembre
Useful link: to find out more about Ginger, click here 

Shallot is look like small onion but with papery skin which sometime can be golden brown or reddish. The flesh of shallot usually white with shade of magenta.

Shallot in different languages:
Indonesian: Bawang merah
German: Schalotte
French: échalote
Useful link: to find out more about Shallot, click here 

Salam Leaves
Salam Leaves
Salam Leaves
Commonly called as Indonesian bay leaves maybe because you only find it in Indonesia? Not really sure about it. But to me it has a different taste and  fragrance than the bay leaves used in western cuisine. This herb normally use for meat base cuisine in Indonesia.

Salam leaves in different language:
Indonesian: Daun Salam
German: Indonesisches Lorbeerblatt
Botanical name: Syzygium polyanthum.  
Useful link: to find out more about Salam leaves, click here



Kaffir Lime Leaves

Kaffir Lime Leaves

Lemon Grass







Coriander Seeds

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